Summer school 2024 -Italian Jewish Heritage – Call for application

Data:30 Giugno 2024

Dettagli dell'evento



SEPTEMBER 15-19, 2024


Priority Program
Jewish Cultural Heritage
SPP 2357

A trans-disciplinary and trans-local research initiativev funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

The summer school invites German as well as Italian doctoral students and young post-doctoral researchers who work on Jewish cultural heritage in all its manifestations: from tangible remains of Jewish life to intangible forms of cultural and religious expressions of Jews in Europe. Focusing on the Jewish Heritage of Italy, which provides an exceptional case study due to its long history and strong biocultural nature, different working units attempt to pursue a dual objective:

Transferring knowledge on Italian-Jewish heritage, its research institutions, and heritage foundations: The particular history of Jewish settlements on the Italian peninsula has given rise to a variety of local ritual practices, cultural traditions, and productions. Italy’s Jewish Heritage survived until today in very different formats and with varying degrees of preservation and documentation. Despite some parts having completely disappeared (similar to Jewish heritage in most parts of Europe), some specifics of Italian-Jewish heritage are still very much alive, even outside Italy, and continually passed on to the younger generation.
Conveying one of the key paradigms of Critical Heritage Studies, that is, ‘Authorizations of Jewish Heritage’: Critical Heritage Studies are a transdisciplinary field of research dedicated to the promotion and development of the study of heritage as a social, cultural economic, and political phenomenon and as an area of governmental and professional intervention with a focus on sustainability and social and cultural balance. Within this teaching unit, students will analyze and discuss how (Italian) Jewish Cultural Heritage is authorized in complex discourses and social practices.
The summer school aims to reveal the latter, to gain a better understanding of how Jewish Cultural Heritage is created, used as a multifaceted resource, interpreted in multiple voices and indeed ideologized.

The working/teaching units are provided by an international team of experts conducting interdisciplinary research, specializing in Jewish Culture and Cultural Heritage Studies.

Application Modalities:

Advanced Master students, Ph.D. candidates and junior practitioners working in this field are welcomed to apply for participation at the summer school. In order to apply, please send us the following information:

  • Letter of motivation specifying your interest for taking part in the Summer School (half a page). You are welcome to briefly describe the project you are currently working on (half a page).
  • Up-to-date CV

As the number of participants is limited to 24, the selection committee will review all applications and select participants based on the information provided. Kindly note that you may need to submit further documentation for participation (e. g. degree certificates).


Application deadline: June 30th, 2024.
Application submission:
Please send your applications via email to at the coordination office of the SPP.
You may also send your questions related to the Summer School to this email.